Earn $0.001 - $0.01 per click
Earn $0.0005 - $0.005 per referral click
Minimum cashout is $5.00
Accept Paypal, Payza, Neteller soon
Guaranteed ads daily
Unique script
Effortless income
Earn from home
Chance to win up to $50 in the xGame
Unique achievement system
A dedicated community
SSL, Dedicated Server & DDOS protected
SSL: Your connection to UltiBux is encrypted and protected by SSL 256 bits.
-Dedicated Server and DDOS protected: UltiBux is running on a Dedicated Server to prevent any downtime or Local Attack.
Domain Expiration Date: 19-jul-2020!
this promotion valid until end of this month:
-Pioneer membership is available for members who join during this promotion.
-Discount on Golden Membership: $80 instead of $90
-Discount on Ultimate Membership: $810 instead of $890
ULTIBUX - Welcome to UltiBux!