Hello everyone , I want to present the PTC kreanclix .
The admin is Ivan Palumbo , and if you are a bit ' in the world of PTC sure you have read some of his posts filled with calculations and strategies analyzed in dot on various forums .
This is a great reason to take a course in this PTC .
Several times on the forum of his PTC Ivan manifested his desire to create a stable PTC . I remember that Ivan has experienced firsthand many of us as PTC , analyzing its strengths and weaknesses . So has a wealth of information really vast .
This is the link to become my ref: kreanclix - Stop Wasting Your Time!
Now we give some information:You do not need to invest, (without investment growth will be slower). P.S. I'm not asking anyone to invest!
The payment processors are:
Paypal minimum payout $ 0.1 INSTANT PAYMENT
Click our: one by $ 0.02, from $ 0.01 three, ten from $ 0,001 then you make a total of about $ 0.06 that are NOT be withdrawn. The gains arising from our clicks are in the purchase balance, or we can spend it to rent ref or advertising, but not withdraw.
Why this? Ivan believes that this serves to give greater stability to the PTC, but not taking away anything because such money can be used (I myself I have spent to get me some ref) ^^
Another thing you can transfer funds from account balance to purchase balance.