Board Rules
:: - Create new posts for your own trades - DO NOT spam other people's.
:: - When posting, to avoid spamming, you should inform if you want to exchange or not.
:: - The Referral Exchange Board is not to be used like a general chat board. Try keeping conversations on-topic.
:: - Please use Referral Deals board for bonus offers.
:: - Bumping is allowed once every 24 hours.
:: - It is not our job to make sure trades are enforced, it is up to you to make sure who you are dealing with is legit.
:: It is not the STAFF'S responsibility to ensure that the offers, whatever the type of deal they are, that you joined are valid. It is your responsibility to check on whether the person that you will be joining or have joined under is trustworthy, and the deal is legit. Also, we are only here to assist you, and not here to enforce all the deals out there.
Ref Exchanges:
- It's your responsibility to set out the guidelines to those you swap sites for.
- If you tell them to click everyday (that means 7 days a week) and they do not, PM them politely at least 2 times to sort it out.
- If they still do not comply with the original deal, then all bets are off. The pettyness of some of the complaints are just not called for and you all need to take responsibility for your actions and deals, after all we are suppose to be adults on this forum.