the old Runescape? Hate how leveling on Runescape takes forever, over
crowded, pk doesn't feel the same, or do you hate something about it
that even you don't understand but you still feel something can be done
to change that. Simply sign up and play (Or just play the game, make up a
login in and click play and you are instantly ingame), there is a forum
too for you people that likes to branch out to loads of places to talk.
Growing community (Though not growing too far) it is a great place to
make new friends and rediscover that old game everyone used to love or
still do. So give it a try, you may like the experience:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] .php
(Referral link if you do want to join the forum so I get a point for getting you to sign up, you don't need to click:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] r.php?action=register&referrer=1398 )
Epicurus Contest: 816